*西澳大学生物科技学院科技传播学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
科学写作 |
Science Writing |
2 |
科学演讲 |
Science Presentations |
3 |
展览与口译 |
Exhibitions and Interpretation |
4 |
科学与媒体 |
Science and the Media |
5 |
科学实习 |
Science Practicum |
6 |
科学传播文学评论 |
Science Communication Literature Review |
7 |
科学传播的当代问题 |
Contemporary Issues in Science Communication |
8 |
公民科学 |
Citizen Science |
9 |
研究设计 |
Research Design |
10 |
评价 |
Evaluation |
11 |
科学传播学论文 |
Science Communication Dissertation |
12 |
艺术与科学的高级美学跨界 |
Advanced Aesthetic Crossovers of Art and Science |
13 |
高级艺术与生活操纵 |
Advanced Art and Life Manipulation |
14 |
变革的沟通战略 |
Communication Strategies for Change |
15 |
当代全球新闻中的问题 |
Issues in Contemporary Global Journalism |
16 |
数字时代的战略传播 |
Strategic Communications in a Digital Era |
17 |
数字媒体:理论与实践 |
Digital Media: Theory and Practice |
18 |
沟通,创新和项目管理 |
Communication, Innovation and Project Management |
19 |
全球媒体与跨文化传播 |
Global Media and Cross-cultural Communication |
20 |
代表和晋升 |
Representation and Promotion |
21 |
了解和管理破坏性行为障碍 |
Understanding and Managing Disruptive Behaviour Disorders |
22 |
学生评估的方法 |
Approaches to Student Assessment |
23 |
教育学与技术的融合 |
Integrating Pedagogy and Technology |
24 |
研究方法 |
Approaches to Research |
25 |
定量查询 |
Quantitative Inquiry |
26 |
定性查询 |
Qualitative Inquiry |
27 |
全球化教育政策 |
Globalising Education Policy |
28 |
保护,发展与可持续性 |
Conservation, Development and Sustainability |
29 |
当代遗产研究之争 |
Debates in Contemporary Heritage Studies |
30 |
买方行为与决策 |
Buyer Behaviour and Decision Making |
31 |
技术商业化 |
Technology Commercialisation |
32 |
健康促进一 |
Health Promotion I |
33 |
健康方面的定性研究方法 |
Qualitative Research Methods in Health |
34 |
科学的行为,伦理与传播 |
The Conduct, Ethics and Communication of Science |
35 |
善,伪和腐败的科学 |
Good, Bogus and Corrupted Science |
36 |
社会研究伦理 |
Social Research Ethics |
37 |
创新的社会研究方法 |
Innovative Social Research Methods |
38 |
非政府组织,治理与发展 |
NGOs, Governance and Development |
39 |
健康教育 |
Health Education |
40 |
学校健康促进 |
Health Promotion in the Schools |
41 |
研究方法基础 |
Fundamentals in Research Methods |