
Mastermate官方 2020-08-31

注:最新、最权威的申请消息,请认准 Mastermate ! 一直被模仿追随,从未被超越。











MSc in Financial Data Analytics and Risk Management Science(金融数据分析与风险管理科学)


根据MM的观察,港中大的研究生院专业申请列表中暂时没有看到去年的M.Sc. in Risk Management Science专业,取而代之的是此专业。






MSc in Environmental Information, Health and Public Management  (环境信息、健康与公共管理)


这个专业的前身是 MSc in Geo-survey and Public Management,可能由于原专业覆盖面较窄,因此中大对专业名称和课程设置重新进行调整,调整后适合于更多专业背景的学生申请,同时该专业的毕业生就业面也更加广泛。







Dual Degree - MSc in Applied Economics (CUHK) and MS in Social and Economic Policy (Northwestern University)


香港中文大学与美国西北大学联合开设应用经济学和社会经济政策双学位课程,学制为17个月(在香港中文大学学习10个月,在西北大学学习7个月)  学费380,000港币。











MA in Anthropology

1st round: 15 October 2020

2nd round: 15 November 2020

3rd round: 15 December 2020

4th round: 31 January 2021


MA in Chinese Studies

1st round: 13 November 2020

2nd round: 16 January 2021

3rd round: 5 March 2021

4th round: 30 April 2021


MA in Chinese Language and Literature

1st round: 15 November 2020

2nd round: 15 December 2020

3rd round: 29 January 2021


MA in Cultural Management

28 February 2021


MA in Intercultural Studies

28 February 2021


MA in English (Applied English Linguistics)

1st round: 19 November 2020

2nd round: 31 December 2020


MA in English (Literary Studies)

1st round: 19 November 2020

2nd round: 31 December 2020


MA in Fine Arts

1st round: 8 January 2021

2nd round: 28 February 2021


MA in Comparative and Public History

Main Round: 31 January 2021

2nd Round: 28 Februay 2021


MA in Japanese Studies

1st round: 1 December 2020

2nd round: 11 February 2021

3rd round: 31 March 2021


MA in Chinese Linguistics and Language Acquisition

28 February 2021


MA in Linguistics

28 February 2021


MA in Music

28 February 2021


MA in Philosophy

28 February 2021


MA in Buddhist Studies

28 Februay 2021


MA in Religious Studies

28 February 2021


MA in Christian Studies

9 April 2021


Master of Divinity

9 April 2021


MA in Translation

28 February 2021


Master of Accountancy

1st round: 9 October 2020

2nd round: 4 December 2020

3rd round: 26 February 2021


MBA in Finance (offered in Beijing)

5 March 2021


MBA in Finance (offered in Shenzhen)

9 March 2021


MSc in Business Analytics

1st round: 12 October 2020

2nd round: 16 November 2020

3rd round: 21 December 2020

4th round: 29 January 2021

5th round: 5 March 2021


MSc in Finance

1st round: 2 November 2020

2nd round: 31 January 2021


MSc in Management

1st round: 13 November 2020

2nd round: 29 January 2021

3rd round: 12 March 2021


MSc in Marketing

9 April 2021


MSc in Real Estate

1st round: 25 October 2020

2nd round: 30 November 2020

3rd round: 4 January 2021

4th round: 12 February 2021

5th round: 19 March 2021

6th round: 27 April 2021


MA in Chinese Language Education*

1 March 2021


MA in Early Childhood Education*

1 March 2021


MA in English Language Teaching*

1 March 2021


MA in Professional Educational Psychology*

1 March 2021


MA in School Guidance and Counselling*

1 March 2021


MA in School Improvement and Leadership*

1 March 2021


Master of Education*

1 March 2021


MSc in Mathematics Education*

1 March 2021


MSc in Sports Science and Physical Activity*

1 March 2021


MSc in Biomedical Engineering

For non-local applicants: 30 April 2021

For local applicants: 15 June 2021


MSc in Computer Science

28 February 2021


MSc in Electronic Engineering

1st round: 23 November 2020

2nd round: 28 December 2020

3rd round: 5 February 2021


MSc in Financial Technology

1st round: 5 October 2020

2nd round: 9 November 2020

3rd round: 18 January 2021

4th round: 12 April 2021


MSc in Information Engineering

1st Round: 30 September 2020

2nd Round: 15 November 2020

3rd Round: 31 December 2020


MSc in Mechanical and Automation Engineering

30 April 2021


MSc in E-Commerce and Logistics Technologies

1st round: 15 January 2021

2nd round: 28 February 2021


MSc in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management

1st round: 15 January 2021

2nd round: 28 February 2021


MA in Gender Studies

1st round: 31 December 2020

2nd round: 1 February 2021

3rd round : 15 March 2021


Juris Doctor

1st round: 29 January 2021

2nd round: 26 February 2021

3rd round: 9 April 2021


Juris Doctor/MBA

1st round: 29 January 2021

2nd round: 26 February 2021

3rd round: 9 April 2021


Master of Laws in Chinese Business Law

1st round: 29 January 2021

2nd round: 26 February 2021

3rd round: 9 April 2021


Master of Laws in Common Law

1st round: 29 January 2021

2nd round: 26 February 2021

3rd round: 9 April 2021


Master of Laws in Energy and Environmental Law

1st round: 29 January 2021

2nd round: 26 February 2021

3rd round: 9 April 2021


Master of Laws in International Economic Law

1st round: 29 January 2021

2nd round: 26 February 2021

3rd round: 9 April 2021


MSc in Medical Laboratory Sciences

31 March 2021


MSc in Genomics and Bioinformatics

30 April 2021


Master of Chinese Medicine

28 February 2021


MSc in Chinese Medicine

31 March 2021


MSc in Diagnostic Ultrasonography

28 February 2021


MSc in Cardiology

30 April 2021


MSc in Clinical Gerontology and End-of-Life Care

28 February 2021


MSc in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

Priority Round: 19 February 2021

Final Round: 31 May 2021


MSc in Gastroenterology

30 April 2021


MSc in Mental Health

30 April 2021


MSc in Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences

Priority round: 10 January 2021

Final round: 31 March 2021


Master of Nursing

1st round: 28 February 2021

2nd round: 31 March 2021


Master of Nursing Science (Pre-registration)

1st round: 28 February 2021

2nd round: 30 April 2021


MSc in Musculoskeletal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Geriatric Orthopaedics

30 April 2021


MSc in Sports Medicine and Health Science

Priority round: 29 January 2021

Final round: 30 April 2021


Master of Clinical Pharmacy

For non-local applicants: 31 March 2021

For local applicants: 31 May 2021


Master of Public Health

Priority round: 28 February 2021

Final round: 1 May 2021


MSc in Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Priority round: 28 February 2021

Final round: 1 May 2021


MSc in Health Services Management

Priority round: 15 April 2021

Final round: 31 May 2021


MSc in Prehospital and Emergency Care

31 March 2021


MSc in Accreditation Chemistry

1 March 2021


MSc in Biochemical and Biomedical Sciences

28 February 2021


MSc in Nutrition, Food Science and Technology

28 February 2021


MSc in Mathematics

31 March 2021


MSc in Physics

30 April 2021


MSc in Financial Data Analytics and Risk Management Science*

28 February 2021


MSc in Data Science and Business Statistics

28 February 2021


Master of Architecture

15 January 2021


MSc in Urban Design

16 April 2021


MA in Global Communication

Priority round: 14 December 2020

Final round: 20 January 2021


MA in Journalism

Priority round: 14 December 2020

Final round: 20 January 2021


MSc in New Media

Priority round: 14 December 2020

Final round: 20 January 2021


MSSc in Advertising

Priority round: 14 December 2020

Final round: 20 January 2021


MSSc in Corporate Communication

Priority round: 14 December 2020

Final round: 20 January 2021


Dual Degree - MSc in Applied Economics (CUHK) and MS in Social and Economic Policy (Northwestern University)

1st round:     16 October 2020

2nd round:   11 December 2020

3rd round:    26 February 2021


MSc in Economics

1st round:  16 October 2020

2nd round: 11 December 2020

3rd round:  26 February 2021


MSc in Geoinformation Science

30 April 2021


MSSc in Sustainable Tourism

30 April 2021


MSSc in Government and Politics (Greater China)

31 March 2021


MSSc in Public Policy

1st round: 4 December 2020

2nd round: 31 March 2021


MA in Psychology

4 January 2021


MSSc in Clinical Psychology

15 January 2021


MSc in Environmental Information, Health and Public Management

30 April 2021


MSSc in Global Political Economy

28 February 2021


MA in Family Counselling and Family Education

1st round: 27 October 2020

2nd round: 3 December 2020

3rd round: 15 March 2021


MA in Social Policy

1st round: 27 October 2020

2nd round: 3 December 2020

3rd round: 15 March 2021


MA in Social Service Management

1st round: 27 October 2020

2nd round: 3 December 2020

3rd round: 15 March 2021


Master of Social Work

1st round: 27 October 2020

2nd round: 3 December 2020

3rd round: 15 March 2021


MSSc in Social Work

1st round: 27 October 2020

2nd round: 3 December 2020

3rd round: 15 March 2021


MA in Sociology

1st round: 1 December 2020

2nd round: 28 February 2021

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