*香港大学计算与数据科学学院计算机科学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
信息安全主题 |
Topic in information security |
2 |
数字财产的法律保护 |
Legal protection of digital property |
3 |
数字调查和取证 |
Digital investigation and forensics |
4 |
信息安全:攻击与防御 |
Information security: attacks and defense |
5 |
逆向工程和恶意软件分析 |
Reverse engineering and malware analysis |
6 |
网络安全简介 |
Introduction to cyber security |
7 |
数据挖掘 |
Data mining |
8 |
计算金融技术 |
Techniques in computational finance |
9 |
定量金融软件开发 |
Software development for quantitative finance |
10 |
证券交易银行 |
Securities transaction banking |
11 |
分布式账本和区块链技术 |
Distributed ledger and blockchain technology |
12 |
金融计算导论 |
Introduction to financial computing |
13 |
金融计算主题 |
Topic in financial computing |
14 |
网络安全简介 |
Introduction to cyber security |
15 |
图像处理和计算机视觉 |
Image processing and computer vision |
16 |
多媒体技术 |
Multimedia technologies |
17 |
模式识别与应用 |
Pattern recognition and applications |
18 |
用户界面设计与开发 |
User interface design and development |
19 |
智能手机应用开发 |
Smart phone apps development |
20 |
可视化和视觉分析 |
Visualization and visual analytics |
21 |
游戏设计与开发 |
Game design and development |
22 |
多媒体计算主题 |
Topic in multimedia computing |
23 |
先进的数据库系统 |
Advanced database systems |
24 |
数据科学高级主题 |
Advanced topics in data science |
25 |
UML中企业应用程序的分析和设计 |
Analysis and design of enterprise applications in UML |
26 |
集群和云计算 |
Cluster and cloud computing |
27 |
无人系统介绍 |
Introduction to unmanned systems |
28 |
量子计算与人工智能 |
Quantum computing and artificial intelligence |
29 |
计算智能与机器学习 |
Computational intelligence and machine learning |
30 |
深度学习 |
Deep learning |
31 |
计算机科学专题 |
Topic in computer science |
32 |
计算机网络和系统中的主题 |
Topic in computer network and systems |
33 |
人工智能主题 |
Topic in artificial intelligence |
34 |
论文 |
Dissertation |
35 |
项目 |
Project |