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序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
计算和建模工具简介 |
Introduction to Computational and Modeling Tools |
2 |
科学规划与可视化 |
Scientific Programming and Visualization |
3 |
随机过程及其应用 |
Stochastic Processes and Applications |
4 |
数值方法与科学建模 |
Numerical Methods and Modeling in Science |
5 |
实践创新 |
Innovation in Practice |
6 |
建模算法与面向对象程序设计 |
Algorithm and Object-Oriented Programming for Modeling |
7 |
时间序列的定量分析 |
Quantitative Analysis of Time Series |
8 |
统计机器学习 |
Statistical Machine Learning |
9 |
网络建模 |
Network Modeling |
10 |
信息科学 |
Information Science |
11 |
数值优化及其应用 |
Numerical Optimization and Applications |
12 |
计算建模与仿真项目 |
Computational Modeling and Simulation Project |
13 |
计算能材料与电子结构模拟 |
Computational Energy Materials and Electronic Structure Simulations |