*香港中文大学文学院神道学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
圣经希伯来语I |
Biblical Hebrew I |
2 |
圣经希伯来语II |
Biblical Hebrew II |
3 |
新约希腊文第一卷 |
New Testament Greek I |
4 |
新约希腊文第二章 |
New Testament Greek II |
5 |
希伯来圣经导论 |
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible |
6 |
新约导论 |
Introduction to the New Testament |
7 |
亚洲视角下的圣经解释学 |
Biblical Hermeneutics in Asian Perspectives |
8 |
高级圣经注释1 |
Advanced Biblical Exegesis I |
9 |
高级圣经注释II |
Advanced Biblical Exegesis II |
10 |
圣经的性别批判解读 |
Gender Critical Interpretation of the Bible |
11 |
希伯来圣经选读 |
Selected Reading of the Hebrew Bible |
12 |
《新约圣经选读 |
Selected Reading of the New Testament |
13 |
文学经典以外的 |
Extracanonical Literature |
14 |
希伯来圣经注释 |
Hebrew Bible Exegesis |
15 |
新约希腊文释经 |
New Testament Greek Exegesis |
16 |
希伯来圣经中的叙事艺术 |
Narrative Art in the Hebrew Bible |
17 |
申命记历史 |
Deuteronomistic History |
18 |
智慧和诗篇 |
Wisdom and the Psalms |
19 |
对观福音书 |
Synoptic Gospels |
20 |
使徒约翰的文学 |
Johannine Literature |
21 |
保罗书信 |
Pauline Letters |
22 |
Pentateuchal研究 |
Pentateuchal Studies |
23 |
先知文学 |
Prophetic Literature |
24 |
以斯拉尼希米记和历代记 |
The book of Ezra-Nehemiah and the books of Chronicles |
25 |
圣经的上下文解释 |
Contextual Interpretation of the Bible |
26 |
圣经神学 |
Biblical Theology |
27 |
圣经研究专题1 |
Special Topics on Biblical Studies I |
28 |
圣经研究专题2 |
Special Topics on Biblical Studies II |
29 |
宗教改革时代 |
The Reformation Era |
30 |
早期和中世纪教会 |
Early and Medieval Church |
31 |
现代西方基督教 |
Modern Western Christianity |
32 |
亚洲基督教史 |
History of Christianity in Asia |
33 |
香港基督教的历史 |
History of Christianity in Hong Kong |
34 |
中国基督教史 |
History of Christianity in China |
35 |
系统神学I |
Systematic Theology I |
36 |
系统神学II |
Systematic Theology II |
37 |
上帝,创造和末世论 |
God, Creation, and Eschatology |
38 |
基督、教会和圣灵 |
Christ, Church, and Spirit |
39 |
神学与女权主义 |
Theology and Feminism |
40 |
人性与救赎 |
Humanity and Salvation |
41 |
上下文神学 |
Contextual Theologies |
42 |
现代基督教思想家 |
Modern Christian Thinkers |
43 |
亚洲神学 |
Asian Theologies |
44 |
公共神学 |
Public Theology |
45 |
神学研究专题1 |
Special Topics on Theological Studies I |
46 |
神学研究专题2 |
Special Topics on Theological Studies II |
47 |
田园神学 |
Pastoral Theology |
48 |
教派传统与政体 |
Denominational Tradition and Polity |
49 |
说教术 |
Homiletics |
50 |
礼拜学 |
Liturgics |
51 |
说教 |
Preaching |
52 |
死亡与临终 |
Death and Dying |
53 |
实践神学模式 |
Models of Practical Theology |
54 |
背景下的教牧关怀 |
Pastoral Care in Context |
55 |
当代精神 |
Contemporary Spirituality |
56 |
教会管理及领导 |
Church Management and Leadership |
57 |
基督教辅导 |
Christian Counselling |
58 |
辅导及青年事工 |
Counselling and Youth Ministry |
59 |
辅导及家庭部 |
Counselling and Family Ministry |
60 |
神学与辅导理论 |
Theology and Counseling Theories |
61 |
教牧研究与辅导专题1 |
Special Topics on Pastoral Studies and Counseling I |
62 |
教牧研究与辅导专题2 |
Special Topics on Pastoral Studies and Counseling II |
63 |
牧灵研究:研讨会一 |
Pastoral Studies: Seminar I |
64 |
牧灵研究:研讨会二 |
Pastoral Studies: Seminar II |
65 |
一般的 |
Ecumenics |
66 |
今日教会面临的问题 |
Issues Facing Churches Today |
67 |
妇女在世界传教 |
Women in World Missions |
68 |
任务研究方法 |
Approaches to Mission Studies |
69 |
基督教与社会变革 |
Christianity and Social Change |
70 |
天主教社会伦理 |
Catholic Social Ethics |
71 |
基督教伦理 |
Christian Ethics |
72 |
当代伦理、社会和宗教问题 |
Contemporary Issues in Ethics, Society and Religion |
73 |
神学与当代批判理论 |
Theology and Contemporary Critical Theories |
74 |
神学与实证研究方法 |
Theology and Empirical Research Methods |
75 |
一般的 |
Ecumenics |
76 |
今日教会面临的问题 |
Issues Facing Churches Today |
77 |
妇女在世界传教 |
Women in World Missions |
78 |
任务研究方法 |
Approaches to Mission Studies |
79 |
基督教与社会变革 |
Christianity and Social Change |
80 |
任务一专题 |
Special Topics on Mission I |
81 |
任务二专题 |
Special Topics on Mission II |
82 |
天主教社会伦理 |
Catholic Social Ethics |
83 |
基督教伦理 |
Christian Ethics |
84 |
当代伦理、社会和宗教问题 |
Contemporary Issues in Ethics, Society and Religion |
85 |
宗教教育基础 |
Foundation of Religious Education |
86 |
在教会和学校教导圣经 |
Teaching Bible in Church and School |
87 |
香港的生命教育 |
Life Education in Hong Kong |
88 |
宗教教育与个人成长 |
Religious Education and Personal Growth |
89 |
宗教教育理论 |
Theories of Religious Education |
90 |
后现代世界的基督教教育 |
Christian Education in the Postmodern World |
91 |
基督教教育的教学理论 |
Teaching/Learning Theories in Christian Education |
92 |
基督教教育与品格塑造 |
Christian Education and Character Formation |
93 |
基督教教育专题1 |
Special Topics on Christian Education I |
94 |
基督教教育专题2 |
Special Topics on Christian Education II |
95 |
中国佛教研究 |
Studies on Chinese Buddhism |
96 |
中国的民间宗教 |
Popular Religion in China |
97 |
道家思想 |
Taoist Thought |
98 |
道教与中国文化 |
Taoism and Chinese Culture |
99 |
亚洲视角下的圣经解释学 |
Biblical Hermeneutics in Asian Perspectives |
100 |
香港基督教的历史 |
History of Christianity in Hong Kong |
101 |
中国基督教史 |
History of Christianity in China |
102 |
亚洲神学 |
Asian Theologies |
103 |
中国宗教背景下的基督教 |
Christianity in Chinese Religious Context |
104 |
中国基督教 |
Chinese Christianities |
105 |
基督教与中国文化 |
Christianity and Chinese Culture |
106 |
二十世纪中国的基督教 |
Christianity in Twentieth Century China |
107 |
中国基督教专题1 |
Special Topics on Christianity in China I |
108 |
中国基督教专题2 |
Special Topics on Christianity in China II |
109 |
神学与香港社会 |
Theology and Hong Kong Society |
110 |
学院学生研讨会一 |
Faculty Student Seminar I |
111 |
学院学生研讨会II |
Faculty Student Seminar II |
112 |
学院学生研讨会III |
Faculty Student Seminar III |
113 |
毕业论文一 |
Graduate Thesis I |
114 |
毕业论文二 |
Graduate Thesis II |
115 |
毕业论文三 |
Graduate Thesis III |
116 |
毕业设计一 |
Graduate Project I |
117 |
毕业设计二 |
Graduate Project II |
118 |
毕业设计三 |
Graduate Project III |
119 |
实地教育三 |
Field Education III |
120 |
实地教育四 |
Field Education IV |
121 |
实地教育五 |
Field Education V |
122 |
实地教育六 |
Field Education VI |