*香港中文大学商学院工商管理硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
AI在金融领域的应用 |
Application of AI in Finance |
2 |
行为决策 |
Behavioral Decision Making |
3 |
商务谈判 |
Business Negotiation |
4 |
业务实习 |
Business Practicum |
5 |
商业评估与分析 |
Business Valuation and Analysis |
6 |
高管对话与沟通 |
C-Suite Dialogue and Communication |
7 |
全球经济中的中国 |
China in Global Economy |
8 |
公司财务报告 |
Corporate Financial Reporting |
9 |
中国股票市场的企业融资行为 |
Corporate Fund-Raising Initiatives in the Chinese Equity Markets |
10 |
创造自我效能感和对沟通的影响 |
Creating Self-efficacy and Impact on Communication |
11 |
当前金融科技趋势 |
Current Fintech Trends |
12 |
数据库与大数据管理 |
Database and Big Data Management |
13 |
商业创新的设计思维 |
Design Thinking for Business Innovation |
14 |
数字营销 |
Digital Marketing |
15 |
数字化转型与创新 |
Digital Transformation and Innovation |
16 |
财务管理 |
Financial Management |
17 |
融资技术商业化和创业 |
Financing Technology Commercialization and Entrepreneurship |
18 |
FinTech分析 |
FinTech Analytics |
19 |
全球金融科技创业 |
Global Fintech Entrepreneurship |
20 |
投资分析和投资组合管理 |
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management |
21 |
领导力发展 |
Leadership Development |
22 |
《企业高管宏观经济学》 |
Macroeconomics for Business Executives |
23 |
管理咨询 |
Management Consulting |
24 |
管理决策 |
Management Decision Making |
25 |
管理:能力和当前观点 |
Management: Competencies and Current Perspectives |
26 |
管理家族企业 |
Managing Family Business |
27 |
管理创新与科技 |
Managing Innovation & Technology |
28 |
营销管理 |
Marketing Management |
29 |
合并与收购 |
Mergers and Acquisitions |
30 |
货币与资本市场 |
Money and Capital Markets |
31 |
新创业项目 |
New Venture Business Project |
32 |
运营管理 |
Operations Management |
33 |
平台与业务策略 |
Platform and Business Strategies |
34 |
统计分析 |
Statistical Analysis |
35 |
战略管理 |
Strategic Management |
36 |
创新技术的战略价值 |
Strategic Value of Innovation Technology |
37 |
风险投资和私募股权 |
Venture Capital & Private Equity |
38 |
新兴市场的风险投资 |
Venture Capital in Emerging Markets |