*香港中文大学教育学院教育学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
课程:视角与设计 |
Curriculum: Perspectives and Design |
2 |
课程评价:理论与实践 |
Curriculum Evaluation: Theory and Practice |
3 |
教学:定位、策略与应用 |
Teaching: Orientation, Strategy and Application |
4 |
课程改革与实施 |
Curriculum Change and Implementation |
5 |
英语语言教育中的语言意识 |
Language Awareness for English Language Education |
6 |
科学课程研究 |
Studies in Science Curriculum |
7 |
科学教育中的教学与评估 |
Instruction and Assessment in Science Education |
8 |
课程决策 |
Curriculum Decision-making |
9 |
人文学科课程研究 |
Studies in Humanities Curriculum |
10 |
技术增强学习环境的设计 |
Design of Technology-enhanced Learning Environments |
11 |
在学习和教学中利用数字技术 |
Leveraging Digital Technologies in Learning and Teaching |
12 |
在STEAM教育和研究的选择主题 |
Selected Topics in STEAM Education and Research |
13 |
项目与研究报告:课程研究 |
Project and Research Report: Curriculum Studies |
14 |
课程与教学高级研讨会:选题1 |
Advanced Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction: Selected Topic I |
15 |
课程与教学高级研讨会:专题二 |
Advanced Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction: Selected Topic II |
16 |
课程与教学高级研讨会:选题三 |
Advanced Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction: Selected Topic III |
17 |
课程与教学高级研讨会:选题四 |
Advanced Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction: Selected Topic IV |
18 |
教学:理论、设计、研究与应用 |
Teaching: Theory, Design, Research and Application |
19 |
课程组织 |
Curriculum Organization |
20 |
课程探究:范式 |
Curriculum Inquiry: Paradigms |
21 |
行政与组织理论 |
Administrative and Organizational Theory |
22 |
有效的学校领导 |
Effective School Leadership |
23 |
管理学校的变化 |
Managing Change in Schools |
24 |
建立学习型社区 |
Building Learning Communities |
25 |
当前教育管理与政策问题 |
Current Issues in Educational Administration and Policy |
26 |
教育政策研究 |
Policy Studies in Education |
27 |
教育政策与社会 |
Educational Policy and Society |
28 |
国际视野下的教育与发展 |
Education and Development in International Perspectives |
29 |
教育规划与财务 |
Planning and Finance in Education |
30 |
中国社会的教育变革 |
Educational Change in Chinese Societies |
31 |
教育行政与政策专题 |
Special Topics in Educational Administration and Policy |
32 |
项目与研究报告:教育行政与政策 |
Project and Research Report: Educational Administration and Policy |
33 |
教育行政与政策高级研修班 |
Advanced Seminar in Educational Administration and Policy I |
34 |
教育行政与政策高级研讨会2 |
Advanced Seminar in Educational Administration and Policy II |
35 |
教育行政与政策高级研讨会3 |
Advanced Seminar in Educational Administration and Policy III |
36 |
教育行政与政策高级研讨会4 |
Advanced Seminar in Educational Administration and Policy IV |
37 |
教育管理与政策基础 |
Foundations of Educational Administration and Policy |
38 |
全球背景下的学校改革 |
School Reform in a Global Context |
39 |
教育组织与领导 |
Educational Organization and Leadership |
40 |
教师的心理发展 |
Psychological Development of Teachers |
41 |
项目与研究报告:教育心理学 |
Project and Research Report: Educational Psychology |
42 |
学生个人与社会发展中的当代问题 |
Contemporary Issues in Students' Personal and Social Development |
43 |
资优教育与人才发展:概念与途径 |
Gifted Education and Talent Development: Concepts and Approaches |
44 |
透视人类的能力 |
Human Abilities in Perspective |
45 |
激励学业上没有上进心的人 |
Motivating the Academically Unmotivated |
46 |
心理教育测试与评估中的实践问题 |
Practical Issues in Psycho-educational Testing and Assessment |
47 |
阅读心理学 |
Psychology of Reading |
48 |
人类发展的新视角 |
New Perspectives in Human Development |
49 |
创新心理学及其教育学 |
The Psychology of Creativity and Its Pedagogy |
50 |
辅导理论概论 |
Introduction to Counselling Theory |
51 |
学习科学和教学意义 |
Learning Sciences and Instructional Implications |
52 |
教育中的高阶思维 |
Higher Order Thinking in Education |
53 |
学习与大脑 |
Learning and the Brain |
54 |
教育有特殊需要的学生 |
Educating Students with Special Needs |
55 |
育儿社会学 |
Sociologies of Parenting |
56 |
为家长教育专业人士提供辅导 |
Counselling for Professionals in Parent Education |
57 |
教育心理学高级研讨会:专题选一 |
Advanced Seminar in Educational Psychology: Selected Topics I |
58 |
教育心理学高级研讨会:专题选二 |
Advanced Seminar in Educational Psychology: Selected Topics II |
59 |
教育心理学高级研讨会:专题选三 |
Advanced Seminar in Educational Psychology: Selected Topics III |
60 |
教育心理学高级研讨会:专题选择四 |
Advanced Seminar in Educational Psychology: Selected Topics IV |
61 |
学习科学的专题选择 |
Selected Topics in the Science of Learning |
62 |
学校辅导与辅导的组织与实施 |
Organization and Implementation of School Guidance and Counselling |
63 |
社会心理发展专题 |
Selected Topics in Psychosocial Development |
64 |
选题:运动科学与体育 |
Selected Topics: Sports Science and Physical Education I |
65 |
选题:运动科学与体育2 |
Selected Topics: Sports Science and Physical Education II |
66 |
选题:运动科学与体育 |
Selected Topics: Sports Science and Physical Education III |
67 |
选题:运动科学与体育 |
Selected Topics: Sports Science and Physical Education IV |
68 |
运动科学与运动研究的研究方法 |
Research Methods in Exercise Science and Sports Studies |
69 |
研究学术研讨会 |
Research Colloquia |
70 |
体育科学与体育活动中的定量与定性数据管理与分析 |
Quantitative and Qualitative Data Management & Analysis in Sports Science and Physical Activity |
71 |
运动:生理益处,限制和适应 |
Exercise: Physiological Benefits, Limits and Adaptation |
72 |
运动营养的健康和表现 |
Sport Nutrition for Health and Performance |
73 |
与健康有关的体力活动 |
Health Related Physical Activity |
74 |
体质评估的理论与实践进展 |
Advances in Physical Fitness Assessment: Theory and Practice |
75 |
人体结构生物力学 |
Structural Biomechanics of the Human Body |
76 |
运动损伤的生物力学 |
Biomechanics of Sports Injury |
77 |
运动损伤与康复 |
Sports Injury & Rehabilitation |
78 |
一般和特殊人群的运动处方 |
Exercise Prescription for General and Special Populations |
79 |
指导科学 |
Coaching Science |
80 |
体育,教育学和技术 |
Sports, Pedagogy and Technology |
81 |
运动学习的理论与应用 |
Theories and Applications of Motor Learning |
82 |
当代运动与体育活动心理学问题 |
Contemporary Issues in Psychology of Sports and Physical Activity |
83 |
体育活动中的社会文化影响 |
Social-Cultural Influences in Physical Activity |
84 |
体育中的社会学问题 |
Sociological Issues in PE |
85 |
体育发展及推广 |
Sports Development and Delivery |
86 |
体育赛事及表演的赞助及市场推广 |
Sponsorship and Marketing of Sports Events and Performance |
87 |
信息技术在体育科学和体育活动 |
Information Technology in Sports Science and Physical Activity |
88 |
专业的附件 |
Professional Attachment |
89 |
指导研究 |
Guided Studies |
90 |
研究项目 |
Research Project |
91 |
指导研究I |
Guided Studies I |
92 |
项目与研究报告:运动科学与体育 |
Project and Research Report: Sports Science and Physical Education |