

Master of Education
香港中文大学( 中国 | 香港 | 新界 )


* 香港中文大学教育学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理
专业名称 2025 Fall 申请时间 学费(当地货币)
香港中文大学教育学硕士 24年9月1日-25年2月28日 165000
语言要求 2024 Fall 申请时间 学制
雅思6.5 托福79 23年10月16日-24年2月29日 1年
更多内容 GMAT/GRE 要求
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*香港中文大学教育学院教育学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 课程中文名称 课程英文名称
1 课程:视角与设计 Curriculum: Perspectives and Design
2 课程评价:理论与实践 Curriculum Evaluation: Theory and Practice
3 教学:定位、策略与应用 Teaching: Orientation, Strategy and Application
4 课程改革与实施 Curriculum Change and Implementation
5 英语语言教育中的语言意识 Language Awareness for English Language Education
6 科学课程研究 Studies in Science Curriculum
7 科学教育中的教学与评估 Instruction and Assessment in Science Education
8 课程决策 Curriculum Decision-making
9 人文学科课程研究 Studies in Humanities Curriculum
10 技术增强学习环境的设计 Design of Technology-enhanced Learning Environments
11 在学习和教学中利用数字技术 Leveraging Digital Technologies in Learning and Teaching
12 在STEAM教育和研究的选择主题 Selected Topics in STEAM Education and Research
13 项目与研究报告:课程研究 Project and Research Report: Curriculum Studies
14 课程与教学高级研讨会:选题1 Advanced Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction: Selected Topic I
15 课程与教学高级研讨会:专题二 Advanced Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction: Selected Topic II
16 课程与教学高级研讨会:选题三 Advanced Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction: Selected Topic III
17 课程与教学高级研讨会:选题四 Advanced Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction: Selected Topic IV
18 教学:理论、设计、研究与应用 Teaching: Theory, Design, Research and Application
19 课程组织 Curriculum Organization
20 课程探究:范式 Curriculum Inquiry: Paradigms
21 行政与组织理论 Administrative and Organizational Theory
22 有效的学校领导 Effective School Leadership
23 管理学校的变化 Managing Change in Schools
24 建立学习型社区 Building Learning Communities
25 当前教育管理与政策问题 Current Issues in Educational Administration and Policy
26 教育政策研究 Policy Studies in Education
27 教育政策与社会 Educational Policy and Society
28 国际视野下的教育与发展 Education and Development in International Perspectives
29 教育规划与财务 Planning and Finance in Education
30 中国社会的教育变革 Educational Change in Chinese Societies
31 教育行政与政策专题 Special Topics in Educational Administration and Policy
32 项目与研究报告:教育行政与政策 Project and Research Report: Educational Administration and Policy
33 教育行政与政策高级研修班 Advanced Seminar in Educational Administration and Policy I
34 教育行政与政策高级研讨会2 Advanced Seminar in Educational Administration and Policy II
35 教育行政与政策高级研讨会3 Advanced Seminar in Educational Administration and Policy III
36 教育行政与政策高级研讨会4 Advanced Seminar in Educational Administration and Policy IV
37 教育管理与政策基础 Foundations of Educational Administration and Policy
38 全球背景下的学校改革 School Reform in a Global Context
39 教育组织与领导 Educational Organization and Leadership
40 教师的心理发展 Psychological Development of Teachers
41 项目与研究报告:教育心理学 Project and Research Report: Educational Psychology
42 学生个人与社会发展中的当代问题 Contemporary Issues in Students' Personal and Social Development
43 资优教育与人才发展:概念与途径 Gifted Education and Talent Development: Concepts and Approaches
44 透视人类的能力 Human Abilities in Perspective
45 激励学业上没有上进心的人 Motivating the Academically Unmotivated
46 心理教育测试与评估中的实践问题 Practical Issues in Psycho-educational Testing and Assessment
47 阅读心理学 Psychology of Reading
48 人类发展的新视角 New Perspectives in Human Development
49 创新心理学及其教育学 The Psychology of Creativity and Its Pedagogy
50 辅导理论概论 Introduction to Counselling Theory
51 学习科学和教学意义 Learning Sciences and Instructional Implications
52 教育中的高阶思维 Higher Order Thinking in Education
53 学习与大脑 Learning and the Brain
54 教育有特殊需要的学生 Educating Students with Special Needs
55 育儿社会学 Sociologies of Parenting
56 为家长教育专业人士提供辅导 Counselling for Professionals in Parent Education
57 教育心理学高级研讨会:专题选一 Advanced Seminar in Educational Psychology: Selected Topics I
58 教育心理学高级研讨会:专题选二 Advanced Seminar in Educational Psychology: Selected Topics II
59 教育心理学高级研讨会:专题选三 Advanced Seminar in Educational Psychology: Selected Topics III
60 教育心理学高级研讨会:专题选择四 Advanced Seminar in Educational Psychology: Selected Topics IV
61 学习科学的专题选择 Selected Topics in the Science of Learning
62 学校辅导与辅导的组织与实施 Organization and Implementation of School Guidance and Counselling
63 社会心理发展专题 Selected Topics in Psychosocial Development
64 选题:运动科学与体育 Selected Topics: Sports Science and Physical Education I
65 选题:运动科学与体育2 Selected Topics: Sports Science and Physical Education II
66 选题:运动科学与体育 Selected Topics: Sports Science and Physical Education III
67 选题:运动科学与体育 Selected Topics: Sports Science and Physical Education IV
68 运动科学与运动研究的研究方法 Research Methods in Exercise Science and Sports Studies
69 研究学术研讨会 Research Colloquia
70 体育科学与体育活动中的定量与定性数据管理与分析 Quantitative and Qualitative Data Management & Analysis in Sports Science and Physical Activity
71 运动:生理益处,限制和适应 Exercise: Physiological Benefits, Limits and Adaptation
72 运动营养的健康和表现 Sport Nutrition for Health and Performance
73 与健康有关的体力活动 Health Related Physical Activity
74 体质评估的理论与实践进展 Advances in Physical Fitness Assessment: Theory and Practice
75 人体结构生物力学 Structural Biomechanics of the Human Body
76 运动损伤的生物力学 Biomechanics of Sports Injury
77 运动损伤与康复 Sports Injury & Rehabilitation
78 一般和特殊人群的运动处方 Exercise Prescription for General and Special Populations
79 指导科学 Coaching Science
80 体育,教育学和技术 Sports, Pedagogy and Technology
81 运动学习的理论与应用 Theories and Applications of Motor Learning
82 当代运动与体育活动心理学问题 Contemporary Issues in Psychology of Sports and Physical Activity
83 体育活动中的社会文化影响 Social-Cultural Influences in Physical Activity
84 体育中的社会学问题 Sociological Issues in PE
85 体育发展及推广 Sports Development and Delivery
86 体育赛事及表演的赞助及市场推广 Sponsorship and Marketing of Sports Events and Performance
87 信息技术在体育科学和体育活动 Information Technology in Sports Science and Physical Activity
88 专业的附件 Professional Attachment
89 指导研究 Guided Studies
90 研究项目 Research Project
91 指导研究I Guided Studies I
92 项目与研究报告:运动科学与体育 Project and Research Report: Sports Science and Physical Education
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