*香港大学工商学院金融硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
金融中的电子表格建模 |
Spreadsheet Modelling in Finance |
2 |
衍生证券 |
Derivative Securities |
3 |
风险管理 |
Risk Management |
4 |
财务报表分析和商业道德标准 |
Financial Statement Analysis and Business Ethical Standards |
5 |
投资分析与投资组合管理 |
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management |
6 |
金融数学技术 |
Mathematical Techniques in Finance |
7 |
金融服务条例 |
Financial Services Regulations |
8 |
公司财务与资产评估 |
Corporate Finance and Asset Valuation |
9 |
财务分析经济学 |
Economics for Financial Analysis |
10 |
金融工程 |
Financial Engineering |
11 |
并购,公司重组 |
Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring |
12 |
信用风险 |
Credit Risk |
13 |
固定收益证券与利率模型 |
Fixed Income Securities & Interest Rate Modelling |
14 |
商业银行和房地产融资研讨会 |
Seminar in Commercial Banking and Real Estates Financing |
15 |
基金管理和另类投资 |
Fund Management and Alternative Investments |
16 |
行为金融 |
Behavioral Finance |
17 |
实物期权和动态公司融资 |
Real Options and Dynamic Corporate Finance |
18 |
高级期权定价模型 |
Advanced Option Pricing Models |
19 |
高级企业融资 |
Advanced Corporate Finance |
20 |
高级企业融资 |
Advanced Corporate Finance |
21 |
金融时事(金融机构) |
Current Topics in Finance (Financial Institutions) |
22 |
金融科技导论及其对银行和金融业未来的影响 |
Introduction to FinTech and its Impact on the Future of Banking and Finance |
23 |
股权估值与投资管理 |
Equity Valuation and Investment Management |
24 |
先进的财务编程和数据库 |
Advanced Financial Programming and Databases |
25 |
金融学中的机器学习和人工智能 |
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Finance |
26 |
金融大数据 |
Big Data in Finance |
27 |
自然语言处理和文本分析 |
Natural Language Processing and Text Analytics |
28 |
定量交易 |
Quantitative Trading |
29 |
私人银行和财富管理 |
Private Banking and Wealth Management |