*香港中文大学法律学院普通法硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
普通法:起源与发展 |
Common Law: Origins and Development |
2 |
合同原则 |
Principles of Contract |
3 |
刑法原理 |
Principles of Criminal Law |
4 |
侵权原则 |
Principles of Tort |
5 |
普通法:全球化与趋同 |
Common Law: Globalization and Convergence |
6 |
比较宪法 |
Comparative Constitutional Law |
7 |
比较法律传统 |
Comparative Legal Traditions |
8 |
殖民统治与法治 |
Colonial Governance and the Rule of Law |
9 |
版权,数字主题和信息技术 |
Copyright, Digital Subject Matter and Information Technology |
10 |
犯罪和制裁程序 |
Crime and the Sanctioning Process |
11 |
网络法律与知识产权:原则与实践 |
Cyberlaw and Intellectual Property: Principles and Practice |
12 |
全球法律问题 |
Global Issues in Law |
13 |
历史、文化和法律 |
History, Culture, and the Law |
14 |
合同事项 |
Issues in Contract |
15 |
刑法问题 |
Issues in Criminal Law |
16 |
侵权问题 |
Issues in Tort |
17 |
艺术、古物、文化遗产及法律原则 |
Principles of Art, Antiquities, Cultural Heritage and the Law |
18 |
知识产权原则 |
Principles of Intellectual Property |
19 |
不当得利原则 |
Principles of Unjust Enrichment |
20 |
帝国之后的跨国法 |
Transnational Law After Empire |