*香港中文大学医学院公共卫生硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
公共卫生基础 |
Foundations of Public Health |
2 |
流行病学概论 |
Introduction to Epidemiology |
3 |
生物统计学概论 |
Introduction to Biostatistics |
4 |
卫生政策和管理 |
Health Policy and Management |
5 |
环境健康科学 |
Environmental Health Sciences |
6 |
公共卫生实践中的传染病 |
Infectious Diseases in Public Health Practice |
7 |
健康与社会行为导论 |
Introduction to Health & Social Behaviour |
8 |
生物统计学概论 |
Introduction to Biostatistics |
9 |
线性模型 |
Linear Models |
10 |
分类和生存数据分析 |
Categorical & Survival Data Analysis |
11 |
ICH - GCP临床研究标准 |
ICH - GCP Standard of Clinical Research |
12 |
临床试验 |
Clinical Trials |
13 |
SAS中的药物统计计算 |
Pharmaceutical Statistics Computing in SAS |
14 |
线性模型主题 |
Topics in Linear Models |
15 |
多元分析主题 |
Topics in Multivariate Analysis |
16 |
医药生物信息学 |
Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics |
17 |
医学研究和制药科学中的人工智能方法 |
Artificial Intelligence Methods for Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Science |
18 |
流行病学概论 |
Introduction to Epidemiology |
19 |
流行病学2 |
Epidemiology II |
20 |
流行病学3 |
Epidemiology III |
21 |
流行病学研究方法评价 |
Appraisal of the Methods of Epidemiological Studies |
22 |
流行病学专题 |
Selected Topics in Epidemiology |
23 |
营养流行病学 |
Nutritional Epidemiology |
24 |
数码流行病学 |
Digital Epidemiology |
25 |
晚期传染病流行病学 |
Advanced Infectious Disease Epidemiology |
26 |
健康与社会行为导论 |
Introduction to Health & Social Behaviour |
27 |
健康促进计划的策划及执行 |
Health Promotion Programme Planning and Implementation |
28 |
健康促进方案评估和监测 |
Health Promotion Programme Evaluation and Monitoring |
29 |
健康的环境 |
Healthy Settings |
30 |
健康的通信 |
Health Communications |
31 |
营养促进公众健康 |
Nutrition for Public Health |
32 |
医学社会学 |
Medical Sociology |
33 |
非传染性疾病与公共卫生问题系列讲座 |
Lecture Series in Non-communicable Diseases as Public Health Concerns |
34 |
社会营销方法 |
Social Marketing Methods |
35 |
卫生系统、政策和管理 |
Health Systems, Policy and Management |
36 |
医疗保健组织与管理 |
Healthcare Organisation & Management |
37 |
卫生经济学:经济评价 |
Health Economics: Economic Evaluation |
38 |
卫生系统与政策 |
Health Systems & Policies |
39 |
医疗保健融资 |
Healthcare Financing |
40 |
医疗保健管理 |
Managing in Healthcare |
41 |
卫生信息学 |
Health Informatics |
42 |
人力资源管理 |
Human Resource Management |
43 |
财务管理 |
Financial Management |
44 |
质量安全管理 |
Quality and Safety Management |
45 |
法医管理 |
Medico-legal Management |
46 |
保健服务规划 |
Health Services Planning |
47 |
健康创新与技术管理 |
Health Innovation and Technology Management |
48 |
医疗伦理 |
Healthcare Ethics |
49 |
运营管理 |
Operation Management |
50 |
企业传播与营销 |
Corporate Communication and Marketing |
51 |
高级组织管理 |
Advanced Organisation Management |
52 |
以病人为中心的卫生系统 |
Patient-centred Health System |
53 |
本地访问 |
Local Visits |
54 |
利用数据推动医疗保健改善 |
Driving Healthcare Improvement with Data |
55 |
医疗保健中的投诉管理 |
Complaints Management in Healthcare |
56 |
公共卫生实践中的传染病 |
Infectious Diseases in Public Health Practice |
57 |
感染与微生物学专题1 |
Topics in Infection and Microbiology I |
58 |
具有公共卫生重要性的传染病:流行病学、控制和政策 |
Infectious Diseases of Public Health Importance: Epidemiology, Control and Policy |
59 |
卫生保健和社区环境中的感染控制 |
Inflection Control in Health Care & Community Settings |
60 |
传染病流行病学方法 |
Methods in Infectious Disease Epidemiology |
61 |
地理信息系统在公共卫生中的应用 |
Application of Geographical Information System in Public Health |
62 |
传染病实习 |
Practicum on Infectious Diseases |
63 |
环境健康科学 |
Environmental Health Sciences |
64 |
职业健康系列讲座 |
Lecture series in Occupational Health |
65 |
空气污染 |
Air Pollution |
66 |
水与健康 |
Water and Health |
67 |
环境风险评估 |
Environmental Risk Assessment |
68 |
环境风险管理与沟通 |
Environmental Risk Management and Communication |
69 |
全球健康 |
Global Health |
70 |
全球儿童和青少年健康 |
Global Child & Adolescent Health |
71 |
灾难和人道主义危机 |
Disaster and Humanitarian Crisis |
72 |
人口与健康 |
Demography and Health |
73 |
全球卫生政策 |
Global Health Policy |
74 |
粮食安全:地方和全球视角 |
Food Security: Local and Global Perspectives |
75 |
人道主义危机与人类安全的全球健康视角 |
Global Health Perspectives of Humanitarian Crisis & Human Security |
76 |
野外行动实验室 |
Field Action Lab |
77 |
公共卫生基础 |
Foundations of Public Health |
78 |
质性研究导论:理论与研究设计 |
Introduction to Qualitative Research: Theories and Research Design |
79 |
公共卫生法 |
Public Health Law |
80 |
人体基本生理学 |
Basic Human Physiology |
81 |
气候变化与地球健康 |
Climate Change and Planetary Health |
82 |
国际实地研究 |
International Field Studies |
83 |
交换研究 |
Exchange Study |
84 |
硕士讲座及辅导 |
Master Seminars & Tutorial |
85 |
硕士顶点项目和报告 |
Master Capstone Project & Report |