*香港中文大学理学院物理学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
材料科学前沿 |
Frontiers in Materials Science |
2 |
先进材料研究主题IV(电子显微镜:原理、技术和分析) |
Topics in Advanced Materials Research IV (Electron Microscopy: Principles, Techniques and Analysis) |
3 |
表面科学 |
Surface Science |
4 |
经典力学和狭义相对论基础 |
Fundamentals of Classical Mechanics and Special Relativity |
5 |
现代量子力学基础 |
Fundamentals of Modern Quantum Mechanics |
6 |
热学和统计物理原理 |
Principles of Thermal and Statistical Physics |
7 |
经典电磁理论 |
Classical Electromagnetic Theory |
8 |
光子学:材料与器件 |
Photonics: Materials and Devices |
9 |
仪表l |
Instrumentation l |
10 |
材料表征技术 |
Techniques in Materials Characterization |
11 |
高级量子力学 |
Advanced Quantum Mechanics |
12 |
经典电动力学 |
Classical Electrodynamics |
13 |
固态理论 |
Solid State Theory |
14 |
软物质物理导论 |
Introduction to Soft Matter Physics |
15 |
仪表Il |
Instrumentation Il |
16 |
理论物理主题(高级统计力学) |
Topics in Theoretical Physics (Advanced Statistical Mechanics) |
17 |
理论物理主题(多体理论导论) |
Topics in Theoretical Physics (lntroduction to Many-body Theory) |
18 |
理论物理主题(粒子物理导论) |
Topics in Theoretical Physics (Introduction to Particle Physics) |
19 |
理论物理主题(高级计算物理) |
Topics in Theoretical Physics (Advanced Computational Physics) |
20 |
理论物理主题(量子光学) |
Topics in Theoretical Physics (Quantum Optics) |
21 |
物理学前沿话题 |
Topics in the Frontiers of Physics |
22 |
理论物理主题(天体物理) |
Topics in Theoretical Physics (Astrophysics) |
23 |
量子信息与量子计算物理学 |
Physics of Quantum Information and Quantum Computation |
24 |
现代原子物理学 |
Modern Atomic Physics |
25 |
生物物理学导论 |
Introduction to Biophysics |
26 |
实验物理主题(薄膜物理与技术) |
Topics in Experimental Physics (Thin Film Physics and Technology) |
27 |
半导体物理与器件 |
Semiconductor Physics and Devices |
28 |
指导研究 |
Guided Study |
29 |
指导研究 |
Guided Study |
30 |
指导研究 |
Guided Study |
31 |
项目III |
Project Ill |
32 |
硕士论文 |
MSc Dissertation |