*香港中文大学社科学院广告学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
应用传播研究 |
Applied Communication Research |
2 |
广告与传播理论 |
Theories in Advertising and Communication |
3 |
创意作品:欣赏和策略 |
Creative Works: Appreciation and Strategy |
4 |
广告中的法律和道德问题 |
Legal and Ethical Aspects in Advertising |
5 |
客户策划和广告管理 |
Account Planning and Advertising Management |
6 |
新媒体广告 |
New Media Advertising |
7 |
传播学专题研究1 |
Topical Studies in Communication I |
8 |
传播学专题研究2 |
Topical Studies in Communication II |
9 |
公共关系写作 |
Public Relations Writing |
10 |
媒体管理 |
Media Management |
11 |
大中华区战略公关 |
Strategic Public Relations in Greater China |
12 |
公共关系与全球化 |
Public Relations and Globalization |
13 |
创意数码媒体制作 |
Creative Digital Media Production |
14 |
应用广告文案 |
Applied Advertising Copywriting |
15 |
广告学专题研究1 |
Topical Studies in Advertising I |
16 |
广告专题研究2 |
Topical Studies in Advertising II |
17 |
高级广告艺术指导 |
Advanced Advertising Art Direction |
18 |
传播学专题研究3 |
Topical Studies in Communication III |
19 |
传播学专题研究4 |
Topical Studies in Communication IV |
20 |
综合传播活动战略 |
Strategies for Integrated Communication Campaigns |
21 |
渠道策划和表演媒体 |
Channel Planning and Performance Media |
22 |
消费者行为与受众分析 |
Consumer Behavior and Audience Analysis |
23 |
市场营销研究 |
Marketing Research |
24 |
买方行为 |
Buyer Behaviour |
25 |
管理卓越服务 |
Managing Service Excellence |
26 |
大数据战略 |
Big Data Strategy |
27 |
战略营销 |
Strategic Marketing |
28 |
整合营销传播 |
Integrated Marketing Communication |
29 |
客户关系管理 |
Customer Relationship Management |
30 |
全球营销管理 |
Global Marketing Management |
31 |
销售技巧和销售管理 |
Salesmanship and Sales Management |
32 |
策略性品牌管理 |
Strategic Brand Management |
33 |
市场营销专题 |
Special Topics in Marketing |
34 |
行为决策 |
Behavioral Decision Making |
35 |
营销工程 |
Marketing Engineering |
36 |
社交媒体营销 |
Social Media Marketing |
37 |
数字营销 |
Digital Marketing |
38 |
市场营销分析 |
Marketing Analytics |
39 |
定价分析 |
Pricing Analytics |
40 |
市场营销中的机器学习 |
Machine Learning in Marketing |