*香港城市大学工程学院工程管理学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
工程管理原理与概念 |
Engineering Management Principles and Concepts |
2 |
营运管理 |
Operations Management |
3 |
项目管理 |
Project Management |
4 |
技术创新与创业 |
Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
5 |
实验和田口方法的高级设计 |
Advanced Design of Experiments and Taguchi Methods |
6 |
资产和维护管理 |
Asset and Maintenance Management |
7 |
业务流程改进与创新 |
Business Process Improvement and Innovation |
8 |
中国工程企业管理 |
China Engineering Enterprise Management |
9 |
数据挖掘与统计建模 |
Data Mining and Statistical Modeling |
10 |
论文 |
Dissertation |
11 |
工程经济分析 |
Engineering Economic Analysis |
12 |
随机动态系统的估计与控制 |
Estimation and Control of Random Dynamic Systems |
13 |
工程经理的金融工程 |
Financial Engineering for Engineering Managers |
14 |
使用回归,时间序列和动态模型进行预测和控制 |
Forecasting and Control Using Regression, Time Series, and Dynamic Models |
15 |
工业案例研究 |
Industrial Case Study |
16 |
工程师的工业营销管理 |
Industrial Marketing Management for Engineers |
17 |
管理战略质量 |
Managing Strategic Quality |
18 |
人工智能管理决策系统 |
Managerial Decision-making Systems with Artificial Intelligence |
19 |
项目管理 |
Project Management |
20 |
质量改进:系统和方法 |
Quality Improvement: Systems and Methodologies |
21 |
质量与可靠性工程 |
Quality and Reliability Engineering |
22 |
风险与决策分析 |
Risk And Decision Analysis |
23 |
统计建模与实验设计 |
Statistical Modeling and Design of Experiments |
24 |
供应链管理 |
Supply Chain Management |
25 |
技术创新与创业 |
Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
26 |
不确定条件下决策的理论基础 |
Theoretical Underpinnings of Decision Making Under Uncertainly |
27 |
业务预测方法 |
Forecasting Methods for Business |
28 |
全球人力资源管理 |
Global Human Resource Management |
29 |
国际组织行为 |
International Organizational Behavior |
30 |
管理国际业务 |
Managing International Business |
31 |
管理科学 |
Management Science |
32 |
统计方法I |
Statistical Methods I |
33 |
可持续绿色制造 |
Sustainable Green Manufacturing |