*香港城市大学法学院法学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
中国知识产权法若干问题 |
Selected Issues on Chinese IP Law |
2 |
中国宪法和行政法 |
Constitutional and Administrative Law of China |
3 |
中国和比较金融法 |
Chinese and Comparative Financial Law |
4 |
中国环境法与比较环境法 |
Chinese and Comparative Environmental Law |
5 |
中国公司法与比较公司法 |
Chinese and Comparative Company Law |
6 |
中国的产权:法律、经济和政策分析 |
Property Rights in China: Legal, Economic, and Policy Analysis |
7 |
中国义务法 |
Chinese Law of Obligations |
8 |
中国商法与比较商法 |
Chinese and Comparative Commercial Law |
9 |
中国对外贸易投资法 |
Chinese Foreign Trade and Investment Law |
10 |
中国与比较竞争法 |
Chinese and Comparative Competition Law |
11 |
中国劳动法和比较劳动法 |
Chinese and Comparative Labour Law |
12 |
中国的法律与社会 |
Law and Society in China |
13 |
中文和比较的替代争端解决 |
Chinese and Comparative Alternative Dispute Resolution |
14 |
普通法制度与方法概论 |
Introduction to Common Law System and Methodology |
15 |
普通法体系、推理和方法论 |
Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology |
16 |
国际投资法律 |
International Investment Law |
17 |
国际贸易法律 |
International Trade Law |
18 |
亚洲的法律和商业 |
Law and Business in Asia |
19 |
跨国法律问题 |
Transnational Legal Problems |
20 |
反倾销与反补贴措施的深入研究 |
Advanced Study of Antidumping and Countervailing Measures |
21 |
WTO法律的当前问题 |
Current Issues in WTO Law |
22 |
国际私法 |
Private International Law |
23 |
国际商业合同和统一的销售法 |
International Commercial Contracts and Uniform Sales Law |
24 |
普通法制度与方法概论 |
Introduction to Common Law System and Methodology |
25 |
普通法体系、推理和方法论 |
Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology |
26 |
宪法 |
Constitutional Law |
27 |
合同法 |
Law of Contract |
28 |
侵权行为法 |
Law of Tort |
29 |
普通法制度与方法概论 |
Introduction to Common Law System and Methodology |
30 |
普通法体系、推理和方法论 |
Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology |
31 |
合同法 |
Law of Contract |
32 |
侵权行为法 |
Law of Tort |
33 |
刑法我 |
Criminal Law I |
34 |
刑法二世 |
Criminal Law II |
35 |
土地法律我 |
Land Law I |
36 |
土地法律二世 |
Land Law II |
37 |
香港的家庭法 |
Family Law in Hong Kong |
38 |
香港与中国大陆的法律制度 |
Legal System of Hong Kong and Mainland China |
39 |
法律方法、研究和写作 |
Legal Methods, Research and Writing |
40 |
法学 |
Jurisprudence |
41 |
股本和信任 |
Equity & Trusts |
42 |
国际公法 |
Public International Law |
43 |
知识产权:理论、版权和设计 |
Intellectual Property: Theory, Copyright and Design |
44 |
法律的意志 |
Law of Wills |
45 |
欧洲竞争法和竞争政策 |
European Competition Law and Policy |
46 |
国际人权法 |
International Human Rights Law |
47 |
消费者法律 |
Consumer Law |
48 |
法律和性别 |
Law and Gender |
49 |
动物法律与福利 |
Animal Law and Welfare |
50 |
提单法 |
Bills of Lading Law |
51 |
海商法 |
Admiralty Law |
52 |
合同法(基础课程) |
Law of Contract (Foundation Course) |
53 |
普通法体系、推理与方法论(基础课程) |
Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology (Foundation Course) |
54 |
提单法 |
Bills of Lading Law |
55 |
海商法 |
Admiralty Law |
56 |
保险法 |
Insurance Law |
57 |
海上保险法 |
Maritime Insurance Law |
58 |
航空法 |
Aviation Law |
59 |
海事仲裁法律 |
Maritime Arbitration Law |
60 |
中国海商法与比较海商法 |
Chinese and Comparative Maritime Law |
61 |
租船合同法律 |
Charterparties Law |
62 |
海事诉讼法 |
Admiralty Procedure Law |
63 |
普通法制度与方法概论 |
Introduction to Common Law System and Methodology |
64 |
普通法体系、推理和方法论 |
Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology |
65 |
版权、外观设计和相关权利的国际比较法 |
International and Comparative Law of Copyright, Designs and Allied Rights |
66 |
国际和比较法的商标和专利 |
International and Comparative Law of Trade Marks and Patents |
67 |
法律和技术 |
Law and Technology |
68 |
中国知识产权法若干问题 |
Selected Issues on Chinese IP Law |
69 |
娱乐法律 |
Entertainment Law |
70 |
国际和比较知识产权法:商标和专利 |
International and Comparative Intellectual Property Law: Trademarks and Patents |
71 |
国际比较著作权法 |
International and Comparative Copyright Law |
72 |
知识产权:法律、实践和程序 |
Intellectual Property: Law, Practice and Procedure |
73 |
企业知识产权 |
Business Intellectual Property |
74 |
普通法制度与方法概论 |
Introduction to Common Law System and Methodology |
75 |
普通法体系、推理和方法论 |
Common Law System, Reasoning and Methodology |
76 |
跨境重组及破产 |
Cross-Border Restructuring and Insolvency |
77 |
公司法 |
Company Law |
78 |
公司治理的法律和操作方面 |
Legal and Operational Aspects of Corporate Governance |
79 |
资本、证券市场监管 |
Capital and Securities Market Regulation |
80 |
国际金融:法律法规 |
International Finance: Law and Regulation |
81 |
银行法 |
Banking Law |
82 |
商法 |
Commercial Law |
83 |
保险法 |
Insurance Law |
84 |
企业的人权责任 |
Human Rights Responsibilities of Business |
85 |
中国公司法与比较公司法 |
Chinese and Comparative Company Law |
86 |
中国与比较竞争法 |
Chinese and Comparative Competition Law |