*香港大学牙医学院牙科植入学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
生物材料I |
Biomaterials I |
2 |
生物材料II |
Biomaterials II |
3 |
口腔流行病学和临床研究方法论 |
Oral Epidemiology and clinical Research Methodology |
4 |
牙科研究中的统计分析简介 |
Introduction to statistical analysis in Dental Research |
5 |
牙科外科硕士和理科硕士论文写作-入门课程 |
Dissertation Writing for Master of Dental Surgery and Master of Science - An Induction Course |
6 |
牙科干细胞和组织工程学的见解 |
Insights into stem cells and tissue engineering in dentistry |
7 |
牙科植入物的综合决策 |
Comprehensive Decision Making with dental implants |
8 |
外科学科的种植牙学 |
Implant Dentistry for Surgical Disciplines I |
9 |
评估科学研究I |
Evaluating Scientific Research I |
10 |
种植牙学的最新科学文献 |
Current Scientific Literature in Implant Dentistry |
11 |
牙周病和种植牙学的“经典”文献 |
Periodontology and Implant Dentistry “classical” literature |
12 |
综合治疗计划I |
Comprehensive Treatment Planning I |
13 |
植入外科牙科学科II |
Implant Dentistry for Surgical Disciplines II |
14 |
评估科学研究II |
Evaluating Scientific Research II |
15 |
种植牙学的最新科学文献 |
Current Scientific Literature in Implant Dentistry |
16 |
牙周病和种植牙学的“经典”文献 |
Periodontology and Implant Dentistry “classical” literature |
17 |
综合治疗计划II |
Comprehensive Treatment Planning II |
18 |
综合治疗计划III |
Comprehensive Treatment Planning III |
19 |
临床组成 |
Clinical Components |