*香港大学牙医学院儿科牙医学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
与牙科相关的基础科学 |
Basic science related to dentistry |
2 |
牙科和口腔研究的方法论 |
Methodology in dental and oral research |
3 |
酸蚀复合修复体 |
Acid-etch composite restorations |
4 |
修复牙科的进展 |
Advances in restorative dentistry |
5 |
患者行为管理 |
Behaviour management of patients |
6 |
压铸固定器 |
Cast-bonded retainers |
7 |
氟化物的临床用途 |
Clinical uses of fluorides |
8 |
自觉镇静 |
Conscious sedation |
9 |
颅面疾病 |
Craniofacial disorders |
10 |
残疾儿童牙科 |
Dentistry for the disabled child |
11 |
患病儿童的牙科 |
Dentistry for the medically compromised child |
12 |
儿童和青少年的情绪和行为障碍 |
Emotional and behavioural disorders of children and adolescents |
13 |
医院牙科 |
Hospital dentistry |
14 |
唇腭裂患者的治疗 |
Management of cleft lip and palate patients |
15 |
创伤处理 |
Management of trauma |
16 |
医疗紧急情况 |
Medical emergencies |
17 |
全身性疾病的口腔表现 |
Oral manifestations of systemic diseases |
18 |
软组织和颌骨的口腔病理学 |
Oral pathology of the soft tissues and jaws |
19 |
儿童口腔外科手术 |
Oral surgical procedures for children |
20 |
龋齿的发病机理和预防 |
Pathogenesis and prevention of dental caries |
21 |
病人行为的药理管理 |
Pharmacological management of patient behaviour |
22 |
坑缝密封剂 |
Pit and fissure sealants |
23 |
预防牙科的原理与实践 |
Principles and practice of preventive dentistry |
24 |
初级和年轻恒牙的牙髓治疗 |
Pulp therapy for the primary and young permanent teeth |
25 |
不锈钢冠 |
Stainless steel crowns |
26 |
牙列炎的处理 |
Management of hypodontia |
27 |
正畸诊治原则 |
Principles of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning |