*香港浸会大学文学院中国文学、语言和文化硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
研究方法及研讨会 |
Research Method and Seminar |
2 |
研究方法及研讨会 |
Research Method and Seminar |
3 |
中国文学名著选集 |
Selected Masterpieces of Chinese Literature |
4 |
中国文学专题 |
Special Topics in Chinese Literature |
5 |
中国旅游文学和人文景观 |
Chinese Travel Literature and Human Scenery |
6 |
中国文学与宗教 |
Chinese Literature and Religion |
7 |
中国文学、书画 |
Chinese Literature and Calligraphy and Painting |
8 |
文学批评 |
Literary Criticism |
9 |
楚辞 |
Chu Ci |
10 |
中国古典戏剧 |
Classical Chinese Drama |
11 |
研究选定的中国诗人和/或词作者 |
Studies in Selected Chinese Poets and/or Lyricists |
12 |
中国古典小说和戏剧的专题 |
Special Topics in Classical Chinese Fiction and Drama |
13 |
中国古典文学专题 |
Special Topics in Classical Chinese Literature |
14 |
中国现当代文学专题 |
Special Topics in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature |
15 |
中国文学史专题(古典文学) |
Special Topics in the History of Chinese Literature (Classical Literature) |
16 |
单身中国作家论坛(现当代作家) |
Single Chinese Author Forum (Modern or Contemporary Writer)* |
17 |
中国思想和文学 |
Chinese Thought and Literature |
18 |
诗经 |
Shi Jing |
19 |
中国文学,爱情,电影 |
Chinese Literature, Love, Movies |
20 |
时尚、媒体、文学 |
Vogue, Media, Literature |
21 |
古典文学的指导阅读 |
Guided Readings in Classical Literature |
22 |
中国现当代文学导读 |
Guided Readings in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature |
23 |
现代汉语创作 |
Creative Modern Chinese Writing |
24 |
中国抒情文学名著(古典文学) |
Masterpieces in Chinese Lyrical Works (Classical Literature) |
25 |
中国抒情文学名著(现代文学) |
Masterpieces in Chinese Lyrical Works (Modern Literature) |
26 |
《中国语言学、语源学名著选集》 |
Selected Masterpieces of Chinese Linguistics and Etymology |
27 |
汉语语言学专题 |
Special Topics in Chinese Linguistics |
28 |
实用汉语语法 |
Practical Chinese Grammar |
29 |
中国修辞学 |
Chinese Rhetoric |
30 |
中国语义 |
Chinese Semantics |
31 |
中文专题 |
Special Topics in Chinese Language |
32 |
中国文化专题 |
Special Topics in Chinese Culture |
33 |
中国传统思想与现代社会 |
Traditional Chinese Thought and Modern Society |
34 |
对中国文化的批判性思考 |
Critical Thinking on Chinese Culture |
35 |
中国旅游文学和人文景观 |
Chinese Travel Literature and Human Scenery |
36 |
中国文学与宗教 |
Chinese Literature and Religion |
37 |
中国文化思考 |
Thinking through Chinese Culture |
38 |
中国文学,书画 |
Chinese Literature and Calligraphy and Painting |
39 |
中国传统思想家选读 |
Selected Readings from Traditional Chinese Thinkers (Zi) |
40 |
关于中国传统文化的现代观点 |
Modern Views on Traditional Chinese Culture |
41 |
中国思想和文学 |
Chinese Thought and Literature |
42 |
中国古典文学精读与反思 |
Chinese Classics--Intensive Reading and Reflection |
43 |
西方汉学 |
Western Sinology |
44 |
中国史学(思想文化)名著 |
Masterpieces in Chinese Historiography (Thought and Culture) |
45 |
庄子 |
Zhuang Zi |
46 |
中国文学,爱情,电影 |
Chinese Literature, Love, Movies |
47 |
时尚、媒体、文学 |
Vogue, Media, Literature |
48 |
指导阅读中国古典文学 |
Guided Readings in Chinese Classics |
49 |
中国文化导读 |
Guided Readings in Chinese Culture |
50 |
中国文化中重要思想家的选读 |
Selected Readings from Important Thinkers in Chinese Culture |