*香港浸会大学传媒学院人工智能与数字媒体硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
媒体与传播基础 |
Basics in Media and Communication |
2 |
数据科学基础编程 |
Basic Programming for Data Science |
3 |
数字媒体的人工智能 |
AI for Digital Media |
4 |
人工智能与数字媒体研讨会 |
AI and Digital Media Workshop |
5 |
大数据管理与分析 |
Big Data Management and Analytics |
6 |
数字媒体的数据挖掘和知识发现 |
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for Digital Media |
7 |
媒体心理学 |
Media Psychology |
8 |
人工智能和大数据在市场分析中的应用 |
AI and Big Data Applications in Market Analytics |
9 |
人工智能理论与应用 |
AI Theories and Applications |
10 |
数字媒体推荐系统 |
Recommender Systems for Digital Media |
11 |
数据分析和可视化工作室 |
Data Analysis and Visualization Studio |
12 |
计算新闻 |
Computational Journalism |
13 |
数字媒体新闻和专题写作 |
News and Feature Writing for Digital Media |
14 |
媒体传播与生物学 |
Media Communications and Biology |
15 |
数字媒体的视觉分析和决策支持 |
Visual Analytics and Decision Support for Digital Media |
16 |
数字媒体的动态网络和移动编程 |
Dynamic Web and Mobile Programming for Digital Media |
17 |
数字媒体研究计划 |
Digital Media Research Project |
18 |
大数据和社交媒体营销 |
Big Data and Social Media Marketing |
19 |
社交媒体和在线社交网络 |
Social Media and Online Social Networks |
20 |
媒体传播与心理学 |
Media Communications and Psychology |
21 |
算法的文化 |
Algorithmic Culture |
22 |
媒体与传播的新兴技术 |
Emerging Technology for Media and Communication |
23 |
传播学研究的途径和方法 |
Approaches and Methods in Communication Research |
24 |
企业沟通中的问题 |
Issues in Corporate Communication |
25 |
组织沟通 |
Organizational Communication |
26 |
政治传播与民意 |
Political Communication and Public Opinion |
27 |
定性研究方法 |
Qualitative Research Methods |
28 |
社会科学理论导论 |
Introduction to Social Science Theories |
29 |
媒体与传播的大数据分析 |
Big Data Analytics for Media and Communication |
30 |
媒体传播与心理学 |
Media Communications and Psychology |
31 |
高级定量通信研究方法 |
Advanced Quantitative Communication Research Methods |
32 |
传播学研究论文 |
Communication Research Thesis |
33 |
新闻与传播理论 |
Theories of Journalism and Communication |