*香港浸会大学社科学院教育学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
教育研究方法 |
Research Methods in Education |
2 |
数学思维的发展 |
Development in Mathematical Thinking |
3 |
教育研讨会 |
Seminar in Education |
4 |
道德教育:理论与实践 |
Moral Education: Theory and Practice |
5 |
公民教育 |
Civic Education |
6 |
职业能力发展和教育 |
Career Competence Development and Education |
7 |
教育数据分析 |
Data Analysis for Education |
8 |
思维与学校课程 |
Thinking and School Curriculum |
9 |
英语教学中的心理语言学和社会语言学 |
Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics in English Language Teaching |
10 |
文学及语言艺术 |
Literature and Language Arts |
11 |
全球化的研究 |
Globalization Studies |
12 |
通识课程的课程发展与实施 |
Curriculum Development and Implementation in Liberal Studies |
13 |
能源技术和环境 |
Energy Technology and the Environment |
14 |
数学在当代数学中的应用 |
Mathematics in Action--Applications of Contemporary Mathematics |
15 |
教育反思实践讨论会 |
Colloquium on Reflective Practice in Education |
16 |
21世纪的课程发展:全球视野 |
Curriculum Development for the 21st Century: Global Perspectives |
17 |
教育制度与政策:比较视角 |
Education System and Policy: A Comparative Perspective |
18 |
在学校环境中促进儿童和青少年的发展 |
Promoting Child and Adolescent Development in School Settings |
19 |
课程理论与评估导论 |
Introduction to Theories of Curriculum and Assessment |
20 |
领导课程开发和教学设计 |
Leadership in Curriculum Development and Pedagogical Design |
21 |
教育中的测试、测量和评估 |
Testing, Measurement and Assessment in Education |
22 |
当代英语教学问题:英语语言教育的政策、实践与教学法 |
Contemporary Issues in ELT: Policy, Practice and Pedagogy in English Language Education |
23 |
管理英语教学的变化 |
Managing Change in ELT |
24 |
变化中的中国语文教育 |
Chinese Language Education in a Changing Context |
25 |
创造性汉语教学 |
Creative Chinese Language Teaching |
26 |
文科教学----教学问题的整合 |
Teaching Liberal Studies--Integrating Issues in Instruction |
27 |
促进通识教育的学习 |
Facilitating Liberal Studies Learning |
28 |
教导有发展障碍的人 |
Teaching Individuals with Developmental Disabilities |
29 |
在学校的监督和指导 |
Supervision and Mentoring in School |
30 |
利用无所不在的技术进行知识构建 |
Knowledge Building with Ubiquitous Technologies |
31 |
在方言区教授汉语 |
Teaching Chinese in Dialect Speaking Area |
32 |
反思实践与自主行动学习项目 |
Reflective Practice and Independent Action Learning Project |
33 |
反思实践与自主行动学习项目 |
Reflective Practice and Independent Action Learning Project |
34 |
幼儿数学的理论、研究和教学问题 |
Theory, Research and Pedagogical Issues of Early Childhood Mathematics |
35 |
全球化世界中的教育和社会发展 |
Education and Social Development in a Globalized World |
36 |
论文 |
Dissertation |