*香港浸会大学社科学院社会工作硕士(1年制)专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
社会工作在不断变化的社会环境中 |
Social Work in a Changing Social Context |
2 |
关键的管理实践 |
Critical Management Practice |
3 |
研究及计划评估 |
Research and Programme Evaluation |
4 |
人类的多样性和文化差异 |
Human Diversity and Cultural Differences |
5 |
心理健康训练 |
Mental Health Practice Concentration |
6 |
心理健康,心理障碍和社会工作 |
Mental Health, Mental Disorder and Social Work |
7 |
与有心理健康问题的家庭合作 |
Working with Families with Mental Health Issues |
8 |
危机管理和综合精神卫生实践 |
Crisis Management and Integrated Mental Health Practice |
9 |
青年工作浓度 |
Youth Work Concentration |
10 |
边缘青年:理论与实践 |
Youth at the Margins: Theory and Practice |
11 |
青年与文化实践 |
Youth and Cultural Practice |
12 |
关键的青年工作 |
Critical Youth Work |
13 |
选修课程 |
Child and Adolescent Mental Health |
14 |
儿童和青少年精神卫生 |
Dissertation |
15 |
论文 |
Globalization and Community Development Practice |
16 |
全球化与社区发展实践 |
Narrative Approach to Counselling |
17 |
心理咨询的叙述方法 |
Family Therapy |
18 |
家庭治疗 |
Data Methodology in Social Sciences Research |
19 |
社会科学研究中的数据方法论 |
Career Facilitation and Counselling |
20 |
就业促进及辅导 |
Mental Health Practice Concentration |
21 |
心理健康训练 |
Youth at the Margins: Theory and Practice |
22 |
边缘青年:理论与实践 |
Critical Youth Work |
23 |
关键的青年工作 |
Social Work with Youth |
24 |
青少年社会工作 |
Youth Work Concentration |
25 |
青年工作浓度 |
Mental Health, Mental Disorder and Social Work |
26 |
心理健康,心理障碍和社会工作 |
Working with Families with Mental Health Issues |
27 |
与有心理健康问题的家庭合作 |
Narrative Practice with Specific Youth Groups |
28 |
特定青年群体的叙事实践 |