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序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
企业融资 |
Corporate Finance |
2 |
金融市场与投资分析 |
Financial Markets and Investment Analysis |
3 |
管理香港及内地的银行、保险公司及其他金融机构 |
Management of Banks, Insurance Companies, and Other Financial Institutions in Hong Kong and China |
4 |
金融定量方法 |
Quantitative Methods for Finance |
5 |
风险管理和保险原理 |
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance |
6 |
固定收益证券 |
Fixed Income Securities |
7 |
财务分析和评估的原则 |
Principles of Financial Analysis and Valuation |
8 |
衍生证券 |
Derivative Securities |
9 |
香港及中国内地的财务规划及服务 |
Financial Planning and Services in Hong Kong and China |
10 |
香港和中国的货币金融体系 |
Hong Kong and China Monetary and Financial Systems |
11 |
国际金融管理 |
International Financial Management |
12 |
投资理财 |
Investment and Wealth Management |
13 |
房地产投资与金融 |
Real Estate Investment and Finance |
14 |
香港和中国内地的证券法和监管架构 |
Securities Laws and Regulatory Framework in Hong Kong and China |
15 |
算法交易和定量策略 |
Algorithmic Trading and Quantitative Strategies |
16 |
风险投资和私募股权 |
Venture Capital and Private Equity |
17 |
香港的保险法 |
Insurance Law in Hong Kong |
18 |
在香港和中国内地的保险业务 |
Insurance Practice in Hong Kong and China |
19 |
介绍FinTech |
Introduction to FinTech |
20 |
金融案例研究 |
Case Studies in Finance |