*香港大学建筑学院城市规划硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
统计学和定量方法基础课程 |
Foundation course on statistics and quantitative methods |
2 |
城市发展理论 |
Urban development theories |
3 |
香港的规划实践,法律和道德规范 |
Planning practice, law and ethics in Hong Kong |
4 |
空间规划的研究方法 |
Research methods in spatial planning |
5 |
规划中的价值观 |
Values in planning |
6 |
规划,管理和资助开发过程 |
Planning, managing and financing the development process |
7 |
规划可持续城市和地区 |
Planning sustainable cities and regions |
8 |
城市设计和场所制作 |
Urban design and place making |
9 |
公共交通系统 |
Public transport systems |
10 |
运输计划的定量方法 |
Quantitative methods for transport planning |
11 |
运输政策和规划 |
Transport policy and planning |
12 |
运输经济学 |
Transport economics |
13 |
住房经济学 |
Housing economics |
14 |
国际住房政策和做法 |
International housing policies and practices |
15 |
过渡城市:城市和住房发展 |
Transitional cities: urban and housing development |
16 |
住房,规划和可持续性 |
Housing, planning and sustainability |
17 |
环境经济学与分析 |
Environmental economics and analysis |
18 |
环境审计和报告 |
Environmental auditing and reporting |
19 |
环境政策 |
Environmental policy |
20 |
环境影响评估 |
Environmental impact assessment |
21 |
用于城市和区域规划发展的地理信息系统(GIS) |
Geographic information system (GIS) for urban and regional planning development |
22 |
全球化与中国城市与区域发展 |
Globalization and urban and regional development in China |
23 |
国际规划政策和实践 |
International planning policy and practice |
24 |
土地和房地产市场:智能治理,金融和商业模式 |
Land and real estate markets: smart governance, finance and business models |
25 |
中国城市规划与实践 |
Urban planning and practice in China |
26 |
城市规划专题研究 |
Special study in urban planning |
27 |
房地产开发和土地政策 |
Real estate development and land policies |
28 |
城市设计研究方法 |
Research methods for urban design |
29 |
城市设计技术与创新I |
Urban design technologies & innovations I |
30 |
形态学与城市设计理论 |
Morphologies & Urban design theories |
31 |
城市设计技术与创新II |
Urban design technologies & innovations II |
32 |
宪章和保护立法 |
Charters and legislation of conservation |
33 |
文化景观 |
Cultural landscapes |
34 |
建筑遗产及其意义 |
Architectural heritage and its significance |
35 |
空间规划工作室 |
Spatial planning studio |
36 |
战略规划工作室 |
Strategic planning studio |
37 |
社区规划工作室 |
Community planning studio |
38 |
论文 |
Dissertation |