*香港大学法学院仲裁法与争议解决硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
替代性争议解决方案 |
Alternative Dispute Resolution |
2 |
仲裁法 |
Arbitration Law |
3 |
仲裁实践,程序和起草 |
Arbitration practice, procedure & drafting |
4 |
调解 |
Mediation |
5 |
仲裁裁决书 |
Arbitration award writing |
6 |
中国投资法 |
China investment law |
7 |
中国贸易法 |
China trade law |
8 |
合作法律和实践 |
Collaborative law and practice |
9 |
亚洲的比较仲裁 |
Comparative arbitration in Asia |
10 |
作为争议程序的共识建立和促进 |
Consensus building and facilitation as dispute processes |
11 |
商业合同的建设 |
Construction of commercial contracts |
12 |
公司冲突 |
Corporate conflicts |
13 |
公司治理和股东补救措施 |
Corporate governance and shareholder remedies |
14 |
法院 |
Courts |
15 |
争议解决中的文化,多样性和权力 |
Culture, diversity and power in dispute resolution |
16 |
争议解决系统设计 |
Dispute resolution systems design |
17 |
金融纠纷解决:香港和国际视角 |
Financial dispute resolution: Hong Kong & international perspectives |
18 |
保险法 |
Insurance law |
19 |
国际和比较知识产权法 |
International and comparative intellectual property law |
20 |
国际仲裁:实践,过程和战略 |
International arbitration: practice, process and strategy |
21 |
国际商事仲裁 |
International commercial arbitration |
22 |
国际争端解决 |
International dispute settlement |
23 |
国际环境法 |
International environmental law |
24 |
国际组织 |
International organizations |
25 |
国际贸易法I. |
International trade law I |
26 |
欧盟法律简介 |
Introduction to European Union law |
27 |
投资条约仲裁的法律和惯例 |
Law and practice of investment treaty arbitration |
28 |
管理中国的商业纠纷:法律,问题和技术 |
Managing commercial disputes in China: law, issues and techniques |
29 |
谈判:解决和宣传 |
Negotiation: settlement and advocacy |
30 |
在线争议解决 |
Online dispute resolution |
31 |
预防法:预防冲突的方法 |
Preventative law: approach to conflict prevention |
32 |
国际公法 |
Public international law |
33 |
网络空间管理:互联网和规范性理论 |
Regulation of cyberspace: Theories of internet and normativity |
34 |
ADR伦理与政策研究研讨会 |
Research seminar in ADR ethics and policy |