*香港大学法学院人权法硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
实践中的人权 |
Human rights in practice |
2 |
人权:历史,理论和政治 |
Human rights: history, theory and politics |
3 |
国际和区域人权保护 |
International and regional protection of human rights |
4 |
国家保护人权 |
National protection of human rights |
5 |
中国的行政法和治理 |
Administrative law and governance in China |
6 |
高级法律理论 |
Advanced legal theory |
7 |
武装冲突,人道法和人权 |
Armed conflict, humanitarian law and human rights |
8 |
军备控制和裁军法 |
Arms control and disarmament law |
9 |
商业和人权 |
Business and human rights |
10 |
临床法律教育计划 - 难民流 |
Clinical legal education programme - refugee stream |
11 |
比较选举法 |
Comparative law of elections |
12 |
新兴国家的宪政主义 |
Constitutionalism in emerging states |
13 |
法院 |
Courts |
14 |
当前的人权问题 |
Current issues in human rights |
15 |
处理侵犯人权的遗产 |
Dealing with legacies of human rights violations |
16 |
当前的人权问题 |
Current issues in human rights |
17 |
经济,社会和文化权利 |
Economic, social and cultural rights |
18 |
平等和不歧视 |
Equality and non-discrimination |
19 |
种族,人权和民主 |
Ethnicity, human rights and democracy |
20 |
人权与网络空间 |
Human rights and cyberspace |
21 |
香港的人权 |
Human rights in Hong Kong |
22 |
中华人民共和国的人权 |
Human rights in the People’s Republic of China |
23 |
国际刑法 |
International criminal law |
24 |
国际争端解决 |
International dispute settlement |
25 |
国际环境法 |
International environmental law |
26 |
多极世界的国际法和现代性 |
International law and modernity for a multipolar world |
27 |
危机世界中的国际法 |
International law in a world of crises |
28 |
国际组织 |
International organisations |
29 |
对难民和流离失所者的国际保护 |
International protection of refugees and displaced persons |
30 |
欧盟法律简介 |
Introduction to European Union law |
31 |
正义 |
Justice |
32 |
法律和政策 |
Law and policy |
33 |
法律和宗教 |
Law and religion |
34 |
东南亚的法律和社会 |
Law and society in South East Asia |
35 |
亚洲的法律,治理和发展 |
Law, governance and development in Asia |
36 |
多元文化主义和法律 |
Multiculturalism and the law |
37 |
隐私和数据保护 |
Privacy and data protection |
38 |
国际公法 |
Public international law |
39 |
刑事诉讼中的权利和补救措施 |
Rights and remedies in the criminal process |
40 |
安全和人权 |
Security and human rights |
41 |
欧洲人权公约的选定问题 |
Selected problems of the European convention on human rights |
42 |
人权研究研讨会 |
Seminar in human rights research |
43 |
亚洲人权与宪政主义研讨会 |
Seminar on human rights and constitutionalism in Asia |