*香港大学社科学院社会工作硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
社会政策和管理 |
Social policy and administration |
2 |
社会工作研究 |
Social work research |
3 |
社会服务管理 |
Social services management |
4 |
人类行为和社会环境我 |
Human behavior and social environment I |
5 |
人类行为和社会环境II |
Human behavior and social environment II |
6 |
法律,道德和社会工作 |
The Law, ethics and social work |
7 |
社会工作理论与实践 - 案例分析 |
Theory and practice of social work - Casework |
8 |
社会工作的理论与实践 - 小组工作 |
Theory and practice of social work - Groupwork |
9 |
社会工作理论与实践 - 社区发展 |
Theory and practice of social work - Community development |
10 |
社会工作的社会科学理论 |
Social science theories for social work |
11 |
以情绪为中心的干预:理论和实践 |
Emotion-focused interventions: theory and practice |
12 |
家庭社会工作 |
Family social work |
13 |
在成瘾治疗中使用动机访谈 |
Using motivational interviewing in addiction treatment |
14 |
Satir模型和家庭重建 |
The Satir model and family reconstruction |
15 |
干预卫生保健机构 |
Intervention in health care settings |
16 |
认知 - 行为干预 |
Cognitive-behavioral interventions |
17 |
基于冒险的咨询:理论与实践 |
Adventure-based counseling: theory and practice |
18 |
社会服务组织的财务规划和管理 |
Financial planning and management for social service organizations |
19 |
在教育环境中提供咨询 |
Counselling in educational setting |
20 |
定性研究方法 |
Qualitative research methods |
21 |
社会老年学 |
Social gerontology |
22 |
老年人心理健康问题 |
Mental health problems in old age |
23 |
社会政策和老龄化 |
Social policy and ageing |
24 |
儿童和青少年的心理健康 |
Children and youth mental health |
25 |
当前的社会福利政策问题 |
Current social welfare policy issues |
26 |
冲突解决和调解 |
Conflict resolution and mediation |
27 |
民间社会组织和社会发展 |
Civil society organizations and social development |
28 |
护理管理 |
Care management |
29 |
关于死亡,垂死和丧亲之痛的当代观点 |
Contemporary perspectives on death, dying and bereavement |
30 |
定量研究方法和统计分析 |
Quantitative research methods and statistical analysis |
31 |
积极心理学和基于力量的干预的理论和实践 |
Theories and practices of positive psychology and strength-based interventions |
32 |
与老年人的社会工作干预 |
Social work intervention with the elderly |
33 |
与精神病患者的社会工作 |
Social work with persons with mental illness |
34 |
与儿童和青少年的高级社会工作实践 |
Advanced social work practice with children and youth |
35 |
儿童和青少年服务和社会政策 |
Children and youth services and social policies |
36 |
组织分析和战略组织管理 |
Organisational analysis and strategic organisational management |
37 |
社会创新与企业 |
Social innovation and enterprise |
38 |
与情侣合作 |
Working with couples |
39 |
心理健康:政策和实践 |
Mental health: policies and practices |
40 |
精神卫生保健中的心理社会方法 |
Psychosocial approaches in mental health care |
41 |
对SEN儿童的知识和干预 |
Knowledge and Intervention for SEN children |
42 |
专业实习I |
Field placement I |
43 |
专业实习II |
Field placement II |
44 |
预实习研讨会 |
Pre-placement workshop |
45 |
论文 |
Dissertation |