*香港科技大学理学院金融数学硕士专业的相关信息由 Mastermate 手工收集并整理,如发现错误欢迎指出,所有信息均给出了官网地址,如出现不同请以学校官网为准
序号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1 |
随机微积分 |
Stochastic Calculus |
2 |
高级概率统计 |
Advanced Probability and Statistics |
3 |
衍生证券的定量建模 |
Quantitative Modeling of Derivatives Securities |
4 |
固定收益工具的计量方法 |
Quantitative Methods for Fixed-Income Instruments |
5 |
高级数据分析与统计编程 |
Advanced Data Analysis with Statistical Programming |
6 |
金融时间序列的定量分析 |
Quantitative Analysis of Financial Time Series |
7 |
量化金融中的统计方法 |
Statistical Methods in Quantitative Finance |
8 |
投资数学模型 |
Mathematical Models of Investment |
9 |
定量和统计风险分析 |
Quantitative and Statistical Risk Analysis |
10 |
高级信用风险模型 |
Advanced Credit Risk Models |
11 |
基于C++的定量金融软件开发 |
Software Development with C++ for Quantitative Finance |
12 |
结构化产品定价的计算方法 |
Computational Methods for Pricing Structured Products |
13 |
用Java和VBA构建金融应用 |
Building Financial Applications with Java and VBA |
14 |
数学市场微观结构 |
Mathematical Market Microstructure |
15 |
金融数学专题 |
Special Topics in Financial Mathematics |
16 |
高级数值方法I |
Advanced Numerical Methods I |
17 |
利率模型 |
Interest Rate Models |
18 |
独立项目 |
Independent Project |